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The Wasichana Fund is a non-profit organization, started by Canadian University students, dedicated to providing health education and feminine products to underprivliged female students in Kenya. The ultimate mandate of the Fund is to reduce the senselessly high school dropout rate amongst female students in rural and impoverished communities.


It may surprise you to learn that menstrual health and education are powerful forces for economic progress in the developing world. And frighteningly, lack of these basic necessesities has proven to be an immense obstacle to socioeconomic advancement.  

While there are innumerable solutions and resolutions to issues that plague the developing world, The Wasichana Fund is dedicated to one of those solutions.


For us, it is simple. Feminine hygiene products are an effective and low cost solution that keep girls in school. Girls that stay in school and complete their education are then armed with the tools to accelerate their social and economic growth, bringing prosperity, comfort and security to their families and communities. Educated women are a proven asset to our communities, developing nations and the world!


With our low operating costs on the ground in Kenya, The Wasichana Fund has been able to translate $25,000+ raised in approximately 2 years into 55,000+ pads and supplies donated, over 265,000 hours of class that would have been missed, countless hours of health education and stigma lessons and a world of difference for the young beneficiaries of our programs. 

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