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Sponsor Stories: Float Toronto

It was pitch black. I could not smell a thing. I could not hear a word. The temperature of the water matched my entire body. It was pure serenity. I felt like I was floating through outer space. I could not feel where my body started or ended. My time at Float Toronto was one of the coolest experiences I’ve ever had. It is like going to get a massage…but better.

A Typical Float:

You walk into the Queen St. facility and you are automatically greeted by some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. They look like they’ve been floating all day and that they just got out of the tank to happily greet you for your appointment. Before taking you into a private room, they go through the entire process with you to make sure you are comfortable. Then, you head into the room by yourself, strip down, rinse off and get into the tank. These tanks are sensory-deprived (no sound, no light, no smell). They contain almost 900 lbs of Epsom salt mixed into luke-warm water. Similar to the Dead Sea, the density of salt water causes you to float.

Somehow, most likely with magic, the water also adjusts to your exact body temperature. This feature causes your body to flow into the stillness of the water and you feel 100% at ease. At first, you may find yourself overthinking the experience but eventually, you just lose your thoughts and fall somewhere between meditation and sleep; but don't worry! Even if you fall asleep, there will be some calming underwater music that will take you out of your sleep or meditation. After you get out of the tank, you take another shower and apply the after-lotion to your entire body. Upon leaving your private room, you can relax with some tea until you’re ready to leave the facilities.

This was a luxury that I don't think you can replicate anywhere else. Trust me, your body will thank you.

DO’s and DONT’s of Floating:

  • DO…exercise the day of the float so you tire yourself out

  • DO… stay hydrated on the day of floating (and every other day to be exact)

  • DO… go to the washroom before your float

  • DON’T… shave before your float – the salt will really irritate your freshly shave skin

  • DON’T… eat a heavy meal before your float – you want to be as relaxed as possible

  • DON’T… rub your eyes while in the tank (trust me, it’s a little painful)

Overall, we are really lucky and happy that this new and unique local company decided to sponsor FLOW. We hope that you all get a chance to attend our event and have the chance to bid on a gift card to Float Toronto.

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